Phoenix Star 18 Inches Glycerin Bong with Freezable Coil PHX597 is a unique designed glycerin coil bong which is 18 inch tall and 5mm thick. The freezable bong features with classic phoenix star freezable glycerin coil on the top, a swiss perc base with 7 holes and 14mm bong bowl. This swiss perc with 7 welded holes force the smoke and water move around to produce more bubbles and cool down the smoke for a silky-smooth experience for smokers. Also, the glycerin coil length of our PHX597 is shorter than other glycerin coil bong, so this perc bong is more easier to inhale the smoke and could get cooling smoke at the same time.
Height: 18 inches
Thickness: 5 mm
Joint size: 34mm
Features: glycerin coil, swiss perc
Color: green, blue, black
Keck clip and bowl included